
Live Graphic Recording

We make meetings more engaging by creating a visual record of  conversations in real-time. Our live meeting illustrations can happen in the room with your group, or executed virtually and streamed to participants worldwide.

What People Are Saying…

“The Graphic Recorder captured the deep complexity of the day's discussions visually and graphically as the event unfolded. It was astounding! We continue to use the graphics created that day as a reminder of our goals and priorities in moving that important work forward.”

— Irma Murauskas, Oregon Primary Care Association

“Working with Nitya Wakhlu  at the Elevate Engagement conference was a joy! Her real-time recording added an inspiring element, and provided a way to go beyond the 130 people in the room with people sharing images via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Nitya’s work continues to adorn stories about the conference — her recording gave the conference legs it wouldn’t have had without her.”

— Peggy Holman, co-founder, Journalism That Matters, co-author, The Change Handbook, and author, Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity 

“When there’s a graphic recorder in the room, listening and drawing — people start to feel safe and acknowledged. They being to speak up more, collaborate more — and that’s where the real magic is.”

— Drawbridge founder, Nitya Wakhlu


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Explore examples of our other Visual Storytelling services or contact us to see how we might collaborate.