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Three Icebreakers for Your Next Meeting

[That Your Team Won’t Find Cheesy]

Designing your next workshop or retreat? We’re all for team wine-tasting events, but "hanging out" isn't a reliable way to build trust.

Design intentional conversations that help people be vulnerable with their colleagues and open up about things that really matter. Steal our favorite ‘icebreaker’ conversion ideas.

Practice 1 | Get to know each other in meaningful ways: We’re all for team wine-tasting events, but "hanging out" isn't a reliable way to build trust. Design intentional conversations that help people be vulnerable with their colleagues and open up about things that really matter.

Practice 2 | Get serious about honoring your commitments: In our years of working with teams, we've noticed that trust erodes fastest when people can’t count on each other to do what they say. When you meet this fall, check in on each other's progress towards goals and discuss needed support. If commitments need to be adjusted, address the situation with honesty and a focus on finding solutions that meet everyone's needs.

Practice 3 | Don't hide from the hard stuff: Have you been to retreats that failed to address difficult topics or concerns, only to have those things discussed ad-hoc in small groups after the fact (when solutions are least likely to result)? Instead, focus on having the skill + courage to discuss the “elephants in the room” during your retreats, and you'll see how fast you can build trust.

The way we gather matters. Teams need strong roots to get them through the hard times.

Want a partner to help keep your team accountable? Get in touch!

*Concepts are referenced from the Work of Adam Grant [various works] and ‘The Speed of Trust’ by Stephen M.R. Covery.