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Start your mid-year Progress Pulse Check

This template will help you to guide an exercise you can do with your team to strengthen alignment or on your own as a self-assessment. Each person who participates should use their own sheet, taking time to reflect on key prompts and filling in their answers in the white spaces provided.

Pulse Check Steps:

  1. Start from the left. Review the goals you set at the start of the year. How are you progressing? What are your wins, and what's holding you back? 

  2. Move to the right. Look ahead to the end of the year. What commitments can you make? Do you have to adjust your goals based on where you are today? 

  3. Determine what support you need to be successful—then ask for it.

  4. Identify the ONE big thing you will deliver in the next 60 days. Focus on what will have the biggest impact. 

If you do this exercise as a team, share your pulse check sheets with the group and reflect on how you can support each other and stay accountable to meeting goals. If adjustments to ways of working are needed, now is the time to make a change

Want a partner to help keep your team accountable? Get in touch!