Graphic Facilitation 101 Workshop

Our flagship drawing workshop has helped teams strengthen their own visual thinking muscle.

Graphic Facilitation 101 is a hands-on workshop to introduce the basics of visual thinking. No drawing skills required to attend this workshop - all we ask is that you come with an open mind.

After attending this workshop, participants gain the skillsets, mindsets, and tools to help them work visually and:

  1. Communicate more creatively, and for lasting impact

  2. Dial-up team collaboration

  3. Make their meetings more engaging and effective

  4. Learn a new skill they can apply to many areas of their lives

Audiences who have benefited from our workshop include:

  • Organization and team leaders

  • Learning and development professionals

  • Facilitators, consultants, and project managers

  •  Innovation champions, and change agents

Workshop length: 1 day

Learning highlights:

We tailor our workshop to meet the specific needs of our client groups.

The typical curriculum comprises four modules - helping you develop skills that keep building on each other.

Four Modules of Visual Thinking 101.png

Interested in this workshop, and want to learn more? Let’s chat about your unique needs and how we bring this experience to your team.

This workshop showed me the power of visualization - and made me believe that everyone can do it - even a non-artistic person like me!
— Workshop participant
I just wanted you to know the feedback I’ve received time and time again has been a resounding “THANK YOU!” for the workshop! Every single person got something beneficial from it.
— Client, after a workshop with her team

How I listen to be of greatest service


The Drawbridge Manifesto